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My Word for 2024

I'm not usually one to intentionally choose a word or set New Year's resolutions each year, but in the last few days of 2023 there was one word that seemed to repeatedly come up and it drew my attention. It felt significant and like God was gently nudging me to pay attention.

Commit. Whether it's something as simple as choosing what to order from a menu (hello indecisiveness haha) or influencing the way I show up for my business, I believe that when I look back on 2024 I will see that this word had a significant impact on my life.

Proverbs 16:3 says, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." Of all the different ways I will practice commitment this year, giving my plans over to God will be the most fruitful and life-changing! He is good and trustworthy and can do incredible things when we surrender our every day life over to him.

Here are a few of the ways I have decided to COMMIT in 2024:

  1. A friend and I have been thinking about doing a big trip in the spring. We knew it would be a large financial investment. At the time that we were deciding whether or not to go it felt doable, but we were a bit hesitant knowing that life can be unpredictable and expensive haha. But we decided we would commit to going and trust that if it was not God's will for us at this time, he would redirect us, because he is more than capable of doing that.

  2. I started my business in 2016...yes EIGHT years ago! That feels crazy to me! Like many people I haven't had a mentor and I didn't get a formal art or business education. Essentially, I have no idea what I'm doing but with the help of Youtube, observing other artists and business owners on social media and using the trial and error method, I am giving it my best! These past several years I feel like I've been tip-toeing my way around this art career concept, afraid of messing up, afraid to share the vulnerable parts of myself, and afraid of so many other things! But I'm tired of holding myself back. So this year I will change the way I view myself as an artist and the way I view my work. I AM an artist. I am stepping into that identity with confidence and clarity. I am an artist, I own a business, I paint beautiful art, so I will finally act like it! There is much more I could expand on here, but maybe I'll save that for another post.

  3. I am aiming for growth this year, not perfection. Instead of creating a rigid workout schedule, I have committed to simply doing some form of movement each day. One day I'll do my full physio workout, the next I'll go for a walk and maybe the following day is really busy so I'll find just 10 minutes to do a mobility/stretching routine. Similarly, I have committed to spending time with Jesus each day in one way or another. Some days I need time in his word, other times I just need to talk through things with him. One day I might read my Bible, another I might read through a study and the next I might spend my time praying for people or talking to God about what I'm currently going through. Like I said, this isn't about perfection or having the ideal schedule, it's about attainable guidelines and committing to do what I can each day.

I'm excited for what this year holds! I am confident it will be full of growth and courage.

What do you need to commit to this year? Do you have your own word for 2024? Share with me below. I'd love to hear from you!

Cheers to 2024!

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